Getting Started
See Supported Platforms. for downloading the game on PC or mobile phone.
There are two ways to get access to The Dungeon depending on the present Roadmap.
Current Roadmap: Roadmap 1.0 - Available NOW
The Dungeon can only be accessed by each gamer by minting at least one Cryptice Genie (maximum of 4 Genies per crypto wallet). The Dungeon is dowloaded from the Cryptic Genie Society (CGS) website ( to PC or mobile phone. The access to The Dungeon is tied to the crypto wallet holding the Genie. All areas of The Dungoeon are available to the Genie Masters (i.e. owners of genies). Preview access on very limited area of The Dungeon is given to the public who wants to try out the game.
Future Roadmap: Roadmap 2.0 - Q1 2023 Launch
The Dungeon will be open to the public** for downloading and playing thru the The Dungeon NFT Marketplace. The gamers can customize the player characters and buy weapons, items, and other assets from the marketplace.
**The Genie Masters have more preferential rights and bonuses than the public.